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    When you purchase your plate you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of our No Return, No Exchange, No Refund policy.  This includes but is not limited to if you feel the color of your plate is wrong (includes color matches), if you feel the size of your plate you received isn't right for you or if you received it and just decided that breastplates aren't for you.  Each one of these is hand made and takes up to 8 hours and is custom made to order and for this reason (and that they are listed as a sex toy) we cannot refund these.

    Because we value your business and we understand at times there are extenuating circumstances we do offer an Exchange Program if you are absolutely NOT satisfied with the size or color you have received.  Silicone is expensive and we put up to 8 hours into each plate we make so for this reason there are restocking fee's and re-pour fees.  These fee's offset some of the cost and time with re-pouring you a new plate so that you do not have to buy a brand new one at full price.  This is an option we extend to our valued customers only and on a case by case basis.  Again, we reserve the right to refuse this option to anyone at our discretion.  

    *Please note that the restocking fee is based on the Retail price and NOT the Sale Price you may have paid at the time of purchase.

    If we are remaking your plate and you would like to add Nipple Paint or Color match those fees do apply to the new exchange plate as well.  

    *You have 1 week from the date shown delivered on your breastplate to review this option with us.  After the 1 week period this option cannot be extended to you.

    If you decide you do not want to keep your breastplate we can sell it on your behalf on consignment and once sold, we can give you the proceeds from the sell minus a consignment fee of 25%.  Again it is to our discretion if we opt to extend this option to you. 

    You must contact us directly via email at Elea@eleascloset.com if you would like to look at this option.

    **We reserve the right to end this program or make revisions to the "Breastplate Exchange Program" without notice at any time and to our discretion.